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Now Go Ahead and Blame The White Man

Now Go Ahead And Blame The White Man

I decided to venture through the city, explore what may be new
Working a nine to five each day, sightseeing ain't what I normally do.

I let my mind drift through the struggles our communities face each day,
And my thoughts touched on what we often hear our people say.

We can't get jobs the unemployment rate is at an all time high
Health insurance, taxes, the gas prices have passed the ceiling heading for the sky.

Programs are for the immigrants, damn we've been here longer then them
Let them get new businesses, buy property, give their kids scholarships,
it's just a sin.

More kids on the corner selling and skipping school
Don't nobody wanna hear that shit about living by the golden rules.

I stopped in mid thought and slowly looked around,
The saying "a product of your environment" now had a different sound.

Have you ever noticed the scenery in a city change?
We don't even have to check the mailboxes, something ain't the same

The lawns uncared for, trash and rubbish between each house,
Graffiti on the siding, what is that all about?

Doors wide open, cussing and drinking on the porch, what is that smell?
A stench of old cooking grease
Some of the places look as though they carry disease.

"A product of your environment", the children romp and play
Did anyone even ask them what they learned today?

The white man don't live here, it's just us
I don't think I'm better but I'm beyond disgust.

We blame others saying they don't give,
Who do we blame when we destroy the homes where we live?

We don't take care to make the environment safe,
Our streets are taken over by the thugs, dealers, and gangs
Even though we know their parents, where they were raised
We go back 400 years to blame the white man for making us slaves

Slaves to a community that we won't take care of, not even our rented homes
Blame the landlord for the damage, the needed repairs, rent is cheaper if its slum

We don't even know our neighbor…..cause we live in the hood.
The village concept wasn't the white man's, it was what made us feel good.

We felt good about our community, the placed where we lived
The families struggled together, and each had something to give

Words of advice and encouragement, a nod of recognition a friendly hello
"A product of your environment", meant your home a place you wanted to own

When you get a moment walk through your "hood",
cause you're the product it made
Now go ahead blame the white man,
for creating that environment where only our people stay.

Copyright 2008
Nanette Buchanan,Author
visit my site www.myspace.com/ipendesigns

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