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4.0 out of 5 stars Secrets Revealed, October 1, 2008
It's hard enough dealing with the loss of a family member, but when unimaginable secrets come out as a result of the death it can become almost too much to deal with. Darell Q. Mince is a grown man that finds out after 30 years that contrary to his belief his parents aren't married. Distraught and upset at their betrayal, Darrell moves from his parents' home in VA to his own place in Maryland. Just prior to his relocation Darell meets the attractive Deshai who he maintains contact with while in Maryland. Two years after his move Darell must return home for the reading of his father's will. Upon his return to Virginia Darell decides to re-examine his long distance relationship with longtime girlfriend Monique and get to know the irresistible Dershai better. Just when his love life is taking a turn for the better, all other aspects of his life seem to be unraveling at the seams. Shocking revelations about his family tree threaten his budding relationship and result in Darell keeping secrets of his own. Can Darell maintain his sanity throughout the madness that has entered his life?

Nanette Buchanan has concocted one helluva dramatic story! It's nothing new that some men have secrets lives, but the way this story was penned and the spins put on certain situations made this book my guilty pleasure for two days. There were several editing issues that undeniably became a nuisance; however the story in itself was great. I went from rooting for one character to being totally pissed with another in a matter of moments. Yes, this book is certainly a roller coaster ride. I can't even fathom how things turn out in the sequel. Terrific!

ARC Book Club Inc.
Star Rating 4.5 Stars
By Englishruler "ARC Book Club Inc. (www.ARCBOOK... (New York) - See all my reviews

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