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Ella Curry of EDC Creations interviews Sheryll Cashin

The Agitator's Daughter: A Memoir of Four Generations of One Extraordinary African-American Family by Sheryll Cashin at the Congressional Black Caucus. Organized by The Renaissance Group, LLC. During Reconstruction, Herschel V. Cashin was a radical republican legislator who championed black political enfranchisement throughout the South. His grandson, Dr. John L. Cashin, Jr., inherited that passion for social justice and formed an independent Democratic party to counter George Wallace's Dixiecrats, electing more blacks to office than in any Southern state. His "uppity" ways attracted many enemies. Twice the private plane Cashin owned and piloted was sabotaged. His dental office and boyhood home were taken by eminent domain. The IRS pursued him, as did the FBI. Ultimately his passions would lead to ruin and leave his daughter, Sheryll, wondering why he would risk so much. Sheryll Cashin conveys how she came to embrace being an agitator's daughter with humor, honesty, and love. ISBN-10: 1586484222

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