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Just Venting- Terroism USA

Terrorism USA

As the citizens of the USA debate about the better candidate the topic of the war on terrorism was mentioned as we continue to send our sons and daughters to battle this war. The surprising part of this war is it is being done outside the borders of our good ole' USA. I've worked behind the walls of the prison for fifteen years and lived my most life in what has been claimed as a crime ridden city. I am willing to admit we'll never win the war in the other countries and when we discover our lost it will be more than the war for democracy in foreign countries we will lose our homes, communities and loved ones right here in the USA.

As you can imagine my work environment brings together many of those who society and the court deem as unworthy to live in the free world. However, they get word on the street wars, politics etc. and pass information from institution to institution and home to home. Today a message was passed that 45 bodies were to be counted by October 31. Meaning in plain terms 45 people were to be killed on the street during a spree of shootings.

These senseless killings are not a part of the democracy that our government is fighting afar, but it is indeed terrorism. It is terrorism when these threats are not just sent but carried out. We see it every day. Gangs, drug wars, innocent killings, shooting sprees reign throughout the communities. As citizens our lives are altered, our children must be protected, police are trigger happy and the war on terrorism is afar. We are being terrorized here in the USA.

The crimes, murders, sodomy, rapes, school killings, amber alerts, car jacking; terrorism in the smallest form. The citizens are at the mercy of terrorist. The inner cities streets are riddled with drug sells, shootings, and fear. The suburbs are in denial. It is war and we are not protected.

The law? In New Jersey the cost of housing a criminal per year is estimated between thirty to thirty five thousand dollars. The inmate receives meals, a bed, and is insured security, health benefits, programs, and education. Some of our citizens can't apply and receive these benefits as a free woman or man. The sentencing guarantees without illness the cost will be provided for the incarcerated the duration of there confinement. Ten years, three hundred thousand paid on a killer. Someone who terrorized a neighbor, the elderly, a child, sold dope, used weapons and decided that he didn't like the rules of the government; one against the morals and respect of the average students. But we fight the war on terrorism afar.

Just Venting........stay safe........
Author Nanette M. Buchanan

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