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Anyone Who Truly Loves

Anyone Who Truly Loves

Anyone who truly loves, loves with their heart and soul
Loves totally, it never grows old.

Anyone who truly loves, knows from the very start
Of all the ups and downs, of how love can be turned around
Of how true love is hard to be found.

Anyone who truly loves, gives of themselves unselfishly,
Putting their wants and desires behind those they love
Praying to God above, for patience and understanding
And support for that undying love.

Anyone who truly loves learns not to break just bend
Learns who they love are also friends and will remain to the end.

Anyone who truly loves will hurt from time to time
Looking for the sings of total peace of mind.

Anyone who truly loves will look back on the past
Realizing that true love will last.

For to understand true love ...... is a lifelong task.

Author Nanette M. Buchanan
Thoughts & Reflections
copyright (c) 2000

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