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Authors Did You Know???

Authors did you know???

That to us, your fans, you are celebrities ???
Yep !!!
In my travels and in business, when I meet up with an author I have read and followed over the years, or one I am just becoming familiar with, it’s like I am meeting
A STAR !!!
I am star struck, I’m excited, I want your autograph, I want to take a picture with you, I want to hear about who you are and what your about, I want to know all about your next book and when it will be out, I want you to know how I feel about your books,
Do I sound like a stalker?
Don’t worry I am far from that
I am not planing to re-make the movie Misery!!!

Reading certain authors year after year and new ones too, I feel some what connected and loyal to those authors. I have listened to many of them speak about the journey and have agonized with several over deadlines.

I pre-order,
I rejoice and email congratulations when they have made a list be it major or minor. I talk about the books and post reviews. When I see a comment I’ll forward it to the author, just in cause you missed it.

This past summer at the National Book Club Conference, I finally got to meet Travis Smily, Eric Jerome Dickey, Pearl Cleage, Vickie Stringer, Walter Mosley , Trice Hickman, and Tina McElroy Ansa, just to name a few, but these in particular, were icing on the cake for me!!! I tried really hard not to gush and act like a groupie, I’m quite sure all of my trying went out the window, because I had a huge KOOL-AID grin on my face the whole 3 days. Eric, Pearl, Vickie, Trice and Tina, I got to listen to them talk to and take photos with them.


Eric Jerome Dickey
I Love Eric !!!Wooooo Wooooo !!!!!

Walter Mosley

Vickie Stringer

Virginia DeBerry, Donna Hill And Donna Grant

What surprises me MOST TIMES……
Is that all egos are left outside the door. They were loving us as much as we were loving them. No attitude, WOW.

Trice Hickman

I’ve always said I would rather meet an author than a movie star simply said. Why ?? No ego, attitude, or paparazzi

What consistently blows my mind in meeting these Celebrities, and yes that’s what they are to me is that they as wonderful as there stories are, and they are very regular down to earth people who really do care about what we the
groupies ERRRR The Fans, say and they do appreciate us as much as we do them !!!
WELL… MOST OF THEM , but that’s another blog LOL

So I continue my quest to have all of the 1000's of books I own, autographed and to have pictures taken with my Most Favorite Stars on Earth !!!

Simply Said !!!

Debra Owsley

Custom Orders Portfolio --showcase of customized items

Full Bookmark Catalog --full bookmarks displayed

Halfmark Catalog --half bookmarks

Book Thong Catalog --book thongs in various colors

Notecards-Bookplate Catalog--reading accessories

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