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Are you still excited about your book? If your not why should I be?

Are you still excited about your book? If your not why should I be?

Always Get 2

Authors don’t get lazy. The same thing you did to create the initial buzz about your book, you need to continue, to keep the fire burning.

If you’re burnt out don’t let your fans or future readers see it. I want you as happy as I am to see me as I am happy to see you.

It works like a marriage, are you willing to put in the effort that it takes to make it work? What if divorce or no more sales were not an option, just a consequence?
Reaction brings action.

Surely you must realize that the effort you put in is what you’ll get back.

Step back and focus,
re-group, re-think and find the energy to keep it going.
Figure out what’s good about what your doing and what’s not working. It’s easier to maintain a buzz than to create one.

The hungry mouth gets fed, how hungry are you?
Learn how to fish you’ll eat for life.

Just my 2 cents,
Simply Said
Debra Owsley

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