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As I observe life and the difficulties we face expressing and sharing our need to be loved, I find it quite interesting that most of us single people deny what we need the most. Think about it, we can be independently strong and create a home filled with peace. We can even physically satisfy ourselves if that need be so. But there is something that we can not do for ourselves. And, that something is what every living soul needs.

Before I tell you what I feel it is, I want you to think about a new born baby. For sure he or she needs the hands of others to survive. In fact, it has been said if a child is not held or touched,he or she could actually die. We have to hold babies close to us to make them feel safe and secure. Guess what? Adults need the same thing to continue to grow and feel healthy and secure.

A person who has not been held or lovingly embraced by someone who really loves and care about them is a person who is less than he or she could be. Not saying single people are not strong in their survival. No doubt we are that. We can survive and make the best of things with what we have. We can provide f or others and still have a lot to give ourselves to survive. But we can not embrace ourselves. There is nothing like a sweet embrace from someone who downright loves you.

So many people today are dying for a sweet embrace so much so they seek it from untrusting sources and at times abnormal sources. Woman to woman embraces, man to man embraces usually come about due to giving up on the she and he embraces that made our species strong and able to develop into spiritual and loving beings.

In fact. so many of the criminals locked behind bars are people who needed a sweet embrace. Something about a loving embrace can calm the savage beast in us. People who have become distant from others and won't allow anyone to embrace them do this because they are starving and fear weakness would result the moment the embrace is received. So they create a thick wall ensuring the embrace does not take place.

Being that we are creatures of habit, our early beginnings of being loved, held, nurtured and held close does not die. Our memory banks hold dear to those moments of being loved and secured in the hands of our mother and loved ones. A child acting out after another sibling is born is begging to have his or her sweet embrace recaptured in their lives. Many children are ignored as the family numbers increase. What we end up with is children going out into the world going through withdrawal--a need to be embraced by someone who loves them dearly.

Hugs are nice when we receive them. To be embraced in a hug is the transferring of love from one person to another. I know as a single woman, I take good care of my self but I cannot embrace my self and this alone lets me know we were not born to be alone. Each person in the world was born to be embraced their whole lives but due to selfish priorities, lonely people walk the earth accepting they just may not be embraced or loved by anyone.

I personally embrace those who allow me because I know in doing so, healing can take place in their spirit and body. We all have a sweet embrace to share. Please do not let it go to waste. Go away embrace your fellowman. Just maybe, you may be their healer for this season. With these words, I embrace you all.

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