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The Saga Continues, but the Finish Line is Straight Ahead --- Obama and McCain – What Really Matters? by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

The race is tighter than ever. Are you registered to vote? November 5th will be here and gone before you know it. Will you have any regrets because you didn’t take action? Have you voiced your opinion by calling your Congressmen, Senators, Governor, the President, Obama, McCain or mailed letters?

We’re living in a time where things could drastically change for you and your family – for better or worse. Don’t be misguided by the ignorance that is going on in the world. Many have made Race a big part of this election, but it boils down to who truly cares about ALL Americans, whether they are white, black, brown, yellow or green. Who will do as they say and change the economy in a new and positive direction?

Who will you vote for? And a better question is why? Will you stay neutral and rely on God? Or will you vote and still rely on God?

Some believe that the nominee for Republican VP Sarah Palin has caused a dent in the percentages of votes for Obama. While others believe, we’ll just have more of the same if McCain is elected.

Either way, it boils down to sincerity and action. Who will take care of the American people? Who will meet our needs in important issues such as energy, the economy, healthcare - to name a few. Who will make the United States a better place? Who truly cares about our families and our children’s future?

Get the facts. Be aware of what is going on. It may be a long time before we experience anything like this in history.

Browsing both McCain and Obama’s site, you’ll find it interesting on what McCain chose as Issues and what Obama chose as Issues:

McCain’s Issues that he will address if he becomes President:
American Energy
Economic Plan
Climate Change
Border Security
Human Dignity and Life
Second Amendment
Government Reform
National Security

Obama’s Issues that he will address if he becomes President:
Civil Rights
Energy and Environment
Foreign Policy
Homeland Security
Seniors and Social Security
Urban Policy
Additional Issues

Visit both Presidential nominees website and make a decision NOW! I know who I’ll be voting for and why. What about you?
Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author, Writer and Poet

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