Many have several thoughts on Sarah Palin. I personally admire the woman for a few reasons. She’s married with five children, the youngest of which is challenged, but yet is able to maintain a high profile career. She’s also family focused with a good head on her shoulder, and could possibly be this country’s next Vice President.
However, I do want to note that there are a lot of hard working women holding down the family, some single and some married or in a relationship. So I definitely want to give due credit to ALL the women in this country who are confident, working mothers, and still have to take care of the family, and still cook and clean and help the kids with their homework.
Women should be celebrated in this country. They are truly Super Women. And I do not like the media or whomever questioned her capabilities on how she’s taking care of her kids. Women do what we have to do. And we certainly can’t allow other people’s opinion, the media, naysayers or critics stop us. Okay, enough on that, that sort of hit me personally, but I don’t want to go on a rampage.
Nevertheless, I do on the other hand think John McCain picked Sarah Palin primarily because she’s a women. I also think he wanted to make history on the Republican side, as Barrack Obama has on the Democratic side. He wanted to gain more attention to himself, because he was envy of all the attention Obama has been getting. It’s evident in his commercials when he kept calling Obama a celebrity. That wasn’t negative at all. In fact, it had me thinking, “Wow, Obama’s a celebrity?”
Back to Palin. From what I’ve researched on my own so far, I believe Sarah Palin is very much so a business woman with Executive experience, but I can’t help but to wonder if she was the all around top choice for a VP pick. Now Hillary Clinton - definitely yes, but then again, she’s not a Republican and that’s a different story altogether. But the reason I say this is because when she’s quoted making statements like, “I’ve been so focused on state government. I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq,” that makes me wonder. She was quoted saying this March 2007 when Alaska Business Monthly interviewed her. Read the entire interview: If she wasn’t focused then, I assume she better get focused, if she is the next VP.
In conclusion, women in this country have come such a long way. However, by Sarah Palin becoming the first VP Republican nominee, it still shows there is improvement on women advancing in this world. But regardless who wins the presidential race, although I know who I’m voting for, I hope women’s opportunity for advancement continues, and I hope there will be vast progression and improvement within healthcare, the current economic state, and the high price of gas.
Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an author, writer and a poet. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two children. She also hosts political teleconferences. Learn more about the author at her website.
Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author, Writer and Poet
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